Is this your only account? Because I played something 2 weeksish or so ago called "Ventures of Cyberdevil", and it was basically like trollface quest, but your playable character was the doom guy, who referred to himself as the cyberdevil. Not the cyberdemon, the cyberdevil. But I click on your name and Ventures of Cyberdevil doesn't appear on your list of games you made.
The 4-state 4-direction navigate-a-planar-maze-in-the-dark algorithm:
State A: Push once to the right. If you can't move to the right, go to state B. If you successfully move one space to the right, go to state D.
State B: Push once up. If you can't move up, go to state C. If you successfully go one space up, go to state A.
State C: Push once to the left. If you can't move to the left, go to state D. If you successfully move one space to the left, go to state B.
State D: Push once down. If you can't move down, go to state A. If you successfully go one space down, go to state C.
Basically move one space at a time, and you shift your direction 90 degrees to the left (counterclockwise) if you fail to move forward, and move your direction 90 degrees to the right (clockwise) if you succeed. But doing this gets tiresome after a while. Always thinking about the next direction you're supposed to point. I couldn't manage to keep it up long enough to win one level. And also, if the destination is in the MIDDLE of the level, you could also end up making circles around it. Because what you're doing is really hugging one wall, and if the goal is on a wall which isn't connected to the wall you're on, you could never get there. For instance, if you were stuck in a maze which is a big square wall on the perimeter and a bunch of stuff on the inside that wasn't touching the outer perimeter, and you never got to the other stuff because you just went around and around the perimeter because that was the wall you were hugging. The game isn't my cup of tea but it's a game worthy of existing, I'll say.