Holy crap! The mastermind is a hulk-buff black man? WTF! I never even knew he was black, I just figured he was lit in dim red light. And of course you never see a black James Bond villain. So mind=blown. Maybe I'm still a little bit racist after all these decades. Nah. I would still think he was just as awesome if I met him in real life as otherwise.
But seriously, I don't like the animation change of the mastermind in general. Not just that his muscles are too big, whereas he was always in the dark before, with his body out of view. But in the first 3, the mastermind was mysterious and powerful and ominous and scary as a result, but now he's just inane and cartoony. And downright shoddy. It kinda totally RUINS the character for me, just seeing him in a well-lit room! But add to that the fact that the actual style changed, and it really hurts it bad. Not so much that it doesn't live up to the first ones, but that you've destroyed the potential fear the character inspires. I narrowly give it 3.5 instead of 3 because the trapdoor that leads to the cafeteria line is pretty funny. Even if it is kinda a ripoff of that robot chicken sketch (I think.... or was it an Eddie Izzard standup routine?) where Darth Vader's henchmen secretly play along with Vader thinking he has the power to strangle them with his mind so that he never actually kills anyone even though he thinks he has been all along, they just stand there pretending to be strangled when he holds his arm out.