The best time travel story ever, with the exception of Donny Darko. Please let me use your garbage truck! I need to get to 1996! Or at least 1997.
I remember watching this on albinoblacksheep at the end of 2009, it picked me up a little (unjustifiably) from the depths of despair, and temporarily gave me a high opinion of albinoblacksheep (also unjustifiably). For a while, I was thinking that youtube was all flotsam and crap, TRULY everything by everyone, that newgrounds was more exclusive and better, and then that albinoblacksheep was more exclusive and higher quality still, the crem de la crem. But it seems that albinoblacksheep is just pretty much dead actually. So sad. Also I discovered later it suspiciously seemed they had a political agenda of an axe to grind, and one I didn't agree with, when I saw an extreme right-wing propaganda video they were promoting about how overpopulation is all a myth and insulted anyone with an opposing opinion whether they presented evidence or not (actually referred to Thomas Malthus as a man who "considered himself" a mathematician). But albinoblacksheep aside, Alex Traynor is still the best. Check out his youtube videos too, he's got some live acted things that are good too, in his usual not-afraid-to-say-anything style. Be sure to watch pixellated and pixellated 2 as well. I went back to see the alex traynor videos just now because I was just watching the movie Cockneys vs. Zombies and the 2 protagonists in that really reminded me of the 2 main characters in pixellated, ha ha (they even have a job working for meals on wheels!) and I was like "you know who these 2 people are? They're the 2 people from....".
Note, there is a bug in this though. When he goes back and kills Hitler, and then goes back again, and then goes back a third time, one of his 2 previous selves standing there should be covered in blood, but neither are. Oh well, he's not going to fix it after all this time. Also I'm not so sure about the punchline at the end. He'd know if he was merely "on drugs" already. What he might not have been aware of is if he was trippin' at the moment. So the thing he should have realized at the end should have been more like "I was totally high off my rocker on drugs", not just "I was on drugs".