What a WEIRD coincidence. I had never heard of the DB Multiverse webcomic until 3 days ago (Saturday), I got to it by following a few random links on deviantart starting from the generic search "Goku vs. Superman", which crosslinked to other things and in turn to others (like a bunch of fan-art for fusion between Gohan and Videl, which is a really disturbing prospect if you ask me, but fortunately it seems to be arcane enough a notion for it to violate rule 34), but anyway, when I got there I just read the whole thing to date over the weekend. And as I read it, I watched the dates proceed through the last DECADE, as I got caught up to now, I watched as the years of the comments below each page passed from 2008 to 2010 to 2012 and 2014. So it's been around for a long, long time, and now suddenly here it is here on the front page of newgrounds, just as soon as I independently stumbled across it. Kind of like Dr. Who. I never even was aware of the 2005+ series revival until December 2012, but as soon as I did, suddenly it seemed EVERYone was talking about it, everywhere, especially on youtube.
DBM is awesome, by the way. Don't wait for more of it to be animated, go there and read the webcomic yourself. Way, way better, with way more life in it than the original show ever had. And way more scientifically literate too. They even had a hat tilt to the fact that there's no explanation for their powers but that they straight-up violate the first law of thermodynamics, and in doing so, that the implications of creating enough energy in a small enough place would be that its gravity would eventually become significant. Plus I learned a few things I never would have known about the original series because I would have never given it a moment's consideration again, it's been dead to me literally since the previous millennium, and I like what they did with the Boo who won in his universe, how he's basically a living universal repository of everyone and everything in his universe.
Interesting use of star trek sound effects at the beginning. But the sound quality and the acting in general is severely lacking and the choices of voices are really, really far off. The animation is not very fluid and is very shaky at times, kind of like watching Dr. Katz or Home Movies. Also in general I just don't think this thing is conducive to being actually animated. Way better to leave it as a webcomic. You did it about as well as anyone could expect with the animation part, but still, some things are better left in their original media forms.